Haultain Dental Office Policies

Appointment Cancellations

Haultain Dental requires at least 2 business days' notice for appointment cancellations. We understand that schedules can change due to various factors; however, please be aware that a $100 fee will be assessed for cancellations made with less than 2 business days' notice. Additionally, after 3 missed appointments, we may no longer be able to schedule future appointments for you.

Financial Responsibility

I understand and acknowledge that I am financially responsible for all services provided to myself or the individual named below, regardless of insurance coverage, at the time services are rendered. All fees are due and payable at the time of the appointment. For your convenience, we accept cash, cheque, debit, MasterCard, Visa, and American Express.


I understand that my insurance policy is a contract between my insurance provider and myself, not between my insurance company and Dr. Binstead.

I also understand that insurance policies can vary greatly from one plan to another, and while Dr. Binstead and his staff will make every effort to maximize my insurance coverage, they are not responsible for knowing every detail of my policy.

Insurance Payments and Unpaid Balances

Haultain Dental has no control over the payments made by insurance companies. Any balance remaining unpaid after 90 days will be the patient's responsibility and due in full.

Special Needs and Concerns

Please notify our staff if you have any special needs, questions, or concerns when booking your appointment. We are here to help and want to ensure that you feel comfortable and well taken care of.

Respectful Environment

Haultain Dental is committed to providing a safe and respectful environment for both patients and staff. We have a zero-tolerance policy for threatening or inappropriate behaviour toward staff or other patients. Any patient engaging in such behaviour—whether in person, by email, or by phone—will be immediately discharged from the practice.

Thank you from all of us at Haultain Dental.

Do you have any questions about our office policies? Please get in touch so we can answer any questions you might have.

Phone: (250) 595-1321

Email: drbinstead@gmail.com